Sunday, September 4, 2011

Positive, Negative. . . .

5" x 7"

I work in several media, moving back and forth between acrylics, oils and watercolors.  I have several paintings being developed concurrently, all sitting out on their easels, awaiting my attention as I feel moved to work on them. Sometimes I'm an "oils mode" for days or weeks at a time, then feel like working in acrylics, or other media. I like this freedom and the open-ended approach.  It keeps a sense of adventure and playfulness fresh for me, and is the method I work best with.

Here is a small oil painting I completed, using a different approach in the layout. I worked this painting up by painting the "spaces", and then refining the negatives that were then left: the leaves. 


Friday, September 2, 2011

New Art

"Desert Color"
Acrylic on canvas
16" x 20"

The days are warm for sure. . . . we are having record heat this summer, and my roadtrips have been fewer than last spring and summer.  I am working indoors more, and experimenting with new canvas and paints. Studio work is the perfect solution for weather like this!

Here is the latest painting from my easel.  This is done on a new canvas, "Yes" canvas, which accepts watercolor.  I used acrylic inks to achieve a watercolor effect like my series of watercolor/pen & ink paintings, and yet have a permanent, waterproof finish.  This canvas is 1.5" deep, and painted around the edges so framing is not required.  I am very impressed with this canvas, and it's workability.

This piece is available at the Artist's Co-operative, at the Mesa Art Center, which opens next week. I have a collection of my desert foliage paintings available for sale there, so be sure to stop in and check out the new store if you are in the area!